SMU Academy | DASR | A First Look at Visual Analytics using ggplot2 | 2019 Cohort 6

Group Assignment Questions 8 and 9

  • Let’s begin with question 8.

  1. Please scrape reviews of a hotel located in Singapore from Tripadvisor.

  2. In addition to the reviews, please scrape dates of the reviews as well, so that you can use it as a variable.

  3. For each review, please assign positive-negative magnitude (score) of emotions using AFINN dictionary.

  4. Create a calendar heatmap (“deepskyblue4” being more positive “tomato3” being more negative).

  • Then, here’s question 9.

  1. Please scrape reviews of 10 hotels located in Singapore from Tripadvisor.

  2. Please scrape 10% of reviews only for each hotel.

  3. For each review within the each datasets of 10 hotels, please assign positive-negative magnitude (score) of emotions using AFINN dictionary.

  4. Please create a representative score for each hotel.

  5. Create a leaflet map—here, please assign different size of the circle markers based on hotels’ scores.